373 Masden Ln, Beech Creek, PA 16822. $494,900

This property offers 7.7-acre farm for sale with 1820 stone and frame farm house. Home has 4 bedrooms, 1-1/2 baths, with 2 large stone fireplaces in living room, laundry, kitchen, dinning, office on 1st floor. Has large unheated summer room.
Wood floors under carpet, are planks. Replacement windows. 2 staircases. Plenty of room for family, children and animals. Come make this your dream home. All rooms measurements are approximate, verify for own use
A 2 sided wrap porch and in-ground pool with lovely landscaping. Large 2 sty barn with milk parlor 1 st floor and 3 bay on 2nd floor for hay and storage. Also a milk house, 3 bay running shed, corncrib , 6 bay utility shed, and a doll house with swing set. 2 wells, with 6.7 tillable land. Fenced in pasture. Milk house has fuse for electric.