Utah log cabin for sale! The cabin, built in 1893 using local timber from the nearby sawmill in Mammoth, still features visible circular saw marks on the ceiling’s roof timbers.

Realtor Comments
Once in a lifetime, a special property becomes available with unique attributes that sets it apart from all others. This five acre parcel has been in the family for over 100 years! Tommy Creek runs through it, as well as fronting Mammoth Creek on the northern portion. The cabin was kept much as it was throughout the years, with the family desiring to maintain the historical charm of the building. Upstairs, the large area is used for sleeping accommodations. Downstairs, the living area and kitchen are open and heated with a vintage oil heater. There is a tool/tack shed on the property reminiscent of times gone by. .625 acre feet of water in the spring are included in 61-308, 61-2149 .668 ac ft, as well as 5.113 ac ft 61-2179. Currently, water is piped to the cabin seasonally. The property has open meadow, aspen, ponderosa, and pine. So much potential, this really is a must see! .25 ac ft water has been selling for 5-7k recently, so there is a good deal of value in the water, too.

- 2bed
- sqft
- acre lot
- Circa 1893
- Property Listing
- Google Maps

Contact Realtor: Virginia Valcourt

65 E Tommy Creek Rd, Mammoth Creek, UT 84735