263 Blue Mountain Ln, Alco, AR 72680 $200,000
If you have been looking for your own log cabin in the Ozarks, with gently sloping landscape, tucked away in the woods, then here it is! This is a true Ozarks Cabin located just .2 miles off Highway 66. This property is ideal for a self-sustaining lifestyle with garden spots, livestock pens, chicken coop, goat barn, and several outbuildings. There is a well with hand pump that is also set up for a electric water well pump. All this and an antique wood cook stove on the screened side porch can be yours.
- 4bed
- 2bath
- sqft
- acre lot
- Circa 1994
- Google Maps
- Property Listing
- Realtor: Kelly Johnson with United Country Real Estate/Central Ozarks Real Estate
Related: Affordable Log Cabins

I’ll trade you, my Pacific Seacraft 40, sailboat, even up.