The possibilities for this beautifully renovated 1860 Ohio farmhouse for sale are many. One would be the centerpiece for a thriving hobby farm where you could strive to become self sufficient, have animals and have that garden you’ve always wanted and isn’t that what we all want?

Realtor Comments

- 3bed
- 2.5bath
- 1 sqft
- acre lot
- Circa 1860
- Google Maps
- Property Listing
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Updated Bath.

Beautiful Floors

This farmhouse for sale is located in Alliance in Stark County in the northeastern part of the state. The city is situated within the gently rolling terrain of the Allegheny Plateau region. While the topography around Alliance is generally characterized as flat to gently rolling, there are some notable features in the surrounding area.
To the south of Alliance, you’ll find the Tuscarawas River, which winds its way through the landscape. The river and its tributaries have carved out scenic valleys and ravines, adding some variation to the otherwise flat terrain.
To the east, you’ll encounter the Mahoning Valley, which is a broad, low-lying valley formed by the Mahoning River. The valley is known for its fertile soils and is an important agricultural region.
To the north and west of Alliance, the land gradually transitions into a more rural and agricultural landscape. You’ll find expansive farmlands, with fields of crops and occasional wooded areas.
Overall, the topography around Alliance is relatively gentle, with a mix of flat areas and rolling hills. While it may not be characterized by dramatic landscapes or towering mountains, the region offers a pleasant and picturesque environment.