Like a well worn pair of boots, this 1984 rustic cabin feels just right, inside and out. From the long dirt drive to the privacy in the 15 acres of woods. You are surrounded by tranquility. A great front porch greets you before entering the all wood, cozy, warm interior that makes up this rustic cabin. And the price, ain’t too bad neither.

Secluded Rustic home on 15 acres located in the North Pike School District. The home has 3 bedrooms, 1- 1/2 baths, approx 1128 sf of living area, central air & heat, all wood interior, large den- kitchen combo, snack bar, has an open floor plan and nice front porch. The land is all wooded except for the yard area around the home and includes a 40′ x 60′ all metal pole barn.

- 3bed
- 1.5+bath
- sqft
- acre lot
- Built 1984
- Google Maps
- Property Listing

If interested in a property, please contact the realtor whose link is provided below. Independent verification of status is recommended before calling.
Realtor: ALAN BRIDEVAUX with Doug Rushing Realty of McComb

1140 Carruth Dr, Summit, MS 39666 $149,900